位置: パリ広場
時間: 24時間開放
入場料: 無料
内部者のチップ: 夜間に訪れると、ライトアップされた門が幻想的な雰囲気を演出します。
位置: ベルンハウアー通り
時間: 24時間開放
入場料: 無料
内部者のチップ: イーストサイドギャラリーで壁のアートワークを見ることをお勧めします。
位置: リンデン通り
時間: 10:00-18:00
入場料: 10ユーロ
内部者のチップ: 美術館のカフェで地元のコーヒーを楽しむのも良いでしょう。
位置: アレクサンダー広場
時間: 09:00-00:00
入場料: 16ユーロ
内部者のチップ: 早朝または夕方に訪れると、待ち時間を避けられます。
位置: シャルロッテンブルク地区
時間: 10:00-17:00
入場料: 12ユーロ
内部者のチップ: 宮殿の庭園を散策する時間を取ってください。
位置: ミッテ地区のレストラン
内部者のチップ: ベルリン訪問の際は、地元の味覚であるクルリーンブルストをぜひ試してみてください。
位置: クロイツベルク地区
内部者のチップ: クロイツベルク地区で、地元民に愛されるドネルケバブを体験してみましょう。
Emmerich, a beautiful city located at the Dutch-German border, is an ideal destination for holidaymakers. Home to a number of historical and architectural wonders and some delicious dishes, Emmerich is the perfect place to relax and explore. Here are 7 must-visit sites, exquisite gastronomy and activities, and practical information for a perfect trip to Emmerich.
Old Town Gate: The 14th century Old Town Gate, also known as the D'R Dom, is a must-visit historical site. It symbolizes the entrance to the old town and offers magnificent views of the city. For a unique experience, visit the site at night, when the lights illuminate the gate. It is located on Lombaer Straße and is open every day from 9 am to 5 pm. Entrance is free.
Bimberg Tower: The 19th century landmark, Bimberg Tower, is a five-story tower located in the center of the city. Its Romanesque architecture is a delight to behold and it offers great views of the city. It is located on Marktplatz and is open every day from 10 am to 4 pm. Entrance fee is €3.
Schloss Emmerich: Schloss Emmerich is a beautiful castle located in the center of Emmerich. It was originally built in the 13th century and has been renovated several times since then. Take a stroll around the castle grounds and explore its breathtaking gardens. It is located on Schloßstrasse and is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm. Entrance fee is €7.
Food to Try: Emmerich has some delicious local dishes to try. Don't miss out on the Feuerfleisch, a Bavarian-style stew, the Meeresfruchtplatte, a seafood platter, or the Emmericher Wecken, an elaborate breakfast pastry.
Die Welle: Die Welle is a must-visit for shoppers. It is a shopping center with more than 50 stores offering everything from clothes to electronics. It is located on Kölnstraße and is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm.
Stadtmuseum Emmeric: Learn about the city's history and culture by visiting the Stadtmuseum Emmeric. It houses a large collection of artifacts from prehistoric to modern times. It is located on Lange Strasse and is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. Entrance fee is €4.
Transport: The best way to get around the city is by bike or on foot. Rental bikes are available all across the city. Alternatively, take a bus or a taxi. If you're coming from the nearby Dutch city of Zuid-Holland, take the train from Nijmegen Central Station to Emmerich Central Station.
Spend a few days exploring Emmerich and you'll be rewarded with an extraordinary and unforgettable experience. Soak in the city's history and don’t forget to eat some delicious local dishes. Emmerich has something to offer for everyone!
ベルリンには、旅行者にとって中心的な役割を果たす主要な鉄道駅があります。ベルリン中央駅(Berlin Hauptbahnhof)は、その中心であり、市内だけでなく国際的な目的地へのアクセス点として機能しています。この駅の他にも、ベルリン東駅(Ostbahnhof)やベルリン南十字駅(Südkreuz)など、都市内には複数の重要な鉄道駅が存在し、旅行者が目的地へ容易にアクセスできるようにしています。
ベルリン中央駅は、Europa-Platz 1に位置しており、毎日24時間営業しています。駅内では、手荷物委託サービスを含め、旅行者が快適に過ごせる多くの便利なサービスを提供しています。また、駅周辺には多くのレストランやカフェがあり、食事や休憩に便利です。この駅からは、ベルリンの名所や観光地へ簡単にアクセスできるため、訪れる際には是非この駅を利用してみてください。
The main train station of Emmerich, in Germany, is Emmerich Central Station. There are no other important stations in the city, making the central station the only one available for travelers. It provides a variety of services, including long distance and regional trains.
The Central Station is located in Marktstraße and can be easily reached via public transport. It is open 24/7 and provides baggage storage services. If you need to contact the station, you can do so by calling +49 (0)2822 5202. You can also find some attractions nearby, as well as taxis, buses and other transport options.